Eteria provides its clients with advice on real estate acquisitions from the preliminary stage of real estate notarial and technical due diligence to the execution of the deed of sale and purchase, ensuring that the acquisition of the property complies with all legal requirements and with the real purpose of the purchaser.

real estate services
Real estate due diligence
To ensure that the purchase of a property does not involve any unpleasant surprises, it is advisable to carry out real estate due diligence before proceeding with the acquisition, both from notarial and technical point of view. Eteria supports the client in executing real estate due diligence to the highest standards, ensuring compliance of the property purchased with all legal requirements.
Cadastral and mortgage due diligence + -
Includes complete analysis of all the property’s administrative and bureaucratic issues. It is carried out by ascertaining the cadastral and mortgage regularity of the property with Public Registries and the presence of any constraints on the property, verifying cadastral documents and plans and certifying that what is depicted on the plan corresponds to the real state of the property. The resulting report contains certain and reliable data based on the inspections carried out in the real estate registers by the notary himself, who signs and certifies the report.
Technical due diligence + -
It is conducted with the support of qualified technicians and consists of verifying that the property is in compliant from a structural and plant engineering point of view. It is therefore a matter of verifying what the structural condition of the property is and that the property has all its installations up to standard.
Real estate due diligence
Tax cost analysis
Tax implications of buying a property in Italy can be decisive on the choice of property to purchase, it is therefore essential to have a clear picture of the taxes and duties connected to the purchase and management of a property.
Eteria, also with support of the Notary Firm, identifies the taxation applicable to the specific case and checks, following indications from the parties, the existence of the requirements for any tax benefits (for example, benefits for the purchase of a first home, or a tax credit or exemption in the case of transfers pursuant to separation or divorce proceedings).
real estate services
Support in notarial deed execution
In order to protect transactions, the Italian State requires that the deed of purchase of a real estate be drawn up by an impartial public official who is a specialist in this area: the notary.
By law, the notary acts as a third party who is independent of both seller and purchaser, ensuring that the conveyance of the property complies with all legal requirements, in accordance with the common interests of the parties and with particular attention to the purchaser. It is therefore recommended that the purchaser (almost always the weaker party in the transaction) contact the notary from the start of the negotiations, before signing a proposal to purchase or preliminary contract, since these already represent a binding commitment.
Thanks to the seamless integration with the Notary’s Office, Eteria provides leading support to foreign clients throughout the entire process of purchasing a real estate in Italy, whether it is an investment or if the property is intended as the family home, taking care of all the unfamiliar procedures, obligations and bureaucratic issues which can stop the purchase process in its track.
real estate services
Special Attorney service
In the context of buying and selling real estate in Italy, the use of the instrument of special power of attorney to sell or purchase the property is frequently used, all the more so when the purchase involves a foreigner, because of distance and language issues.
The advantages of the special power of attorney include the possibility of concluding the deal despite not being able to be present on the day the deed is signed, or, when a party is not Italian speaker, the possibility of avoiding having to translate the entire notarial deed (including annexes) and having an interpreter and witnesses in accordance with Notarial Law (resulting in considerable cost savings).
real estate services
Real estate due diligence
To ensure that the purchase of a property does not involve any unpleasant surprises, it is advisable to carry out real estate due diligence before proceeding with the acquisition, both from notarial and technical point of view. Eteria supports the client in executing real estate due diligence to the highest standards, ensuring compliance of the property purchased with all legal requirements.
Cadastral and mortgage due diligence + -
Includes complete analysis of all the property’s administrative and bureaucratic issues. It is carried out by ascertaining the cadastral and mortgage regularity of the property with Public Registries and the presence of any constraints on the property, verifying cadastral documents and plans and certifying that what is depicted on the plan corresponds to the real state of the property. The resulting report contains certain and reliable data based on the inspections carried out in the real estate registers by the notary himself, who signs and certifies the report.
Technical due diligence + -
It is conducted with the support of qualified technicians and consists of verifying that the property is in compliant from a structural and plant engineering point of view. It is therefore a matter of verifying what the structural condition of the property is and that the property has all its installations up to standard.
real estate services
Tax cost analysis
Tax implications of buying a property in Italy can be decisive on the choice of property to purchase, it is therefore essential to have a clear picture of the taxes and duties connected to the purchase and management of a property.
Eteria, also with support of the Notary Firm, identifies the taxation applicable to the specific case and checks, following indications from the parties, the existence of the requirements for any tax benefits (for example, benefits for the purchase of a first home, or a tax credit or exemption in the case of transfers pursuant to separation or divorce proceedings).
real estate services
Support in notarial deed execution
In order to protect transactions, the Italian State requires that the deed of purchase of a real estate be drawn up by an impartial public official who is a specialist in this area: the notary.
By law, the notary acts as a third party who is independent of both seller and purchaser, ensuring that the conveyance of the property complies with all legal requirements, in accordance with the common interests of the parties and with particular attention to the purchaser. It is therefore recommended that the purchaser (almost always the weaker party in the transaction) contact the notary from the start of the negotiations, before signing a proposal to purchase or preliminary contract, since these already represent a binding commitment.
Thanks to the seamless integration with the Notary’s Office, Eteria provides leading support to foreign clients throughout the entire process of purchasing a real estate in Italy, whether it is an investment or if the property is intended as the family home, taking care of all the unfamiliar procedures, obligations and bureaucratic issues which can stop the purchase process in its track.
real estate services
Special Attorney service
In the context of buying and selling real estate in Italy, the use of the instrument of special power of attorney to sell or purchase the property is frequently used, all the more so when the purchase involves a foreigner, because of distance and language issues.
The advantages of the special power of attorney include the possibility of concluding the deal despite not being able to be present on the day the deed is signed, or, when a party is not Italian speaker, the possibility of avoiding having to translate the entire notarial deed (including annexes) and having an interpreter and witnesses in accordance with Notarial Law (resulting in considerable cost savings).